Fourth of July


Every year about this time the fireworks tents begin to sprout out by the county line, and I know its almost here again – the 4th of July. As usual, I’m sitting around trying to decide the best way to spend the holiday.

This year things seem to boil down pretty much to three choices: a big public gathering, a gathering of friends at the park for a picnic, or a small family-type celebration.

The large public gatherings must be the best. They sure seem to attract plenty of people. The fireworks displays are large and loud. They usually have fantastic food – fantastically overpriced; beer – fantastically over consumed; and traffic jams – fantastically frustrating.

If I didn’t mind rubbing elbows with sweaty crowds and had plenty of money to waste, large gatherings might be a fun way to celebrate. Who knows, I might even be lucky enough to find a place to park without walking several miles from a parking lot.

Celebrating with friends seems like pleasant alternative. A quite day at the park with picnic food, lawn chairs, children, laughing, playing… becoming overly tired… obnoxious, whining children… fighting… arguing – flies buzzing around my delicious potato salad that has been sitting out for hours and is probably full of food poisoning. Serve those flies right if they get botulism.

Of course, there will be all sorts of fun things to do – softball, volleyball… in the hot, oppressive July weather. If the sunburn isn’t too bad, we might even get away in time to see the local fireworks. If traffic is the usual, we will watch them from the Interstate again this year.

Last but not least, there is the thought of simply staying at home and celebrating with family. My family is always happy to come by where there is free food. Let’s see, I will only need to start cooking a day or two ahead to get ready. Maybe we can barbecue, that’s easy. Of course, the grill will have to be cleaned.

Gee, wonder if I need to check the propane on that gas grill… hate to run out. The lawn needs to be mowed, and the lawn furniture hasn’t been cleaned this year. Boy, it sure is great to have a holiday so I can rest.

Of course, the family will probably come late, eat and run. They have to hurry to make it to fireworks. I can stay home and protect the roof from the bottle rockets the neighborhood kids are shooting and calm down the dog, who is terrified by the firecrackers.

What fun! Gee, I love a holiday! Sure hope it doesn’t rain.


How do you plan to spend the holiday?

About Sheila Moss

My stories are about daily life and the funny things that happen to all of us. My columns have been published in numerous newspapers, magazines, anthologies, and websites.
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10 Responses to Fourth of July

  1. Neethu says:

    Wow..hope you have a nice fourth of July..😊😊Barbecue with family sounds fun but so does the get-together with friends too..let us know ultimately how your day went..💞💞💞

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rachel says:

    My preference would be to stay at home, but I will be dragged out this year. I’m sure it will be fun, though.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love this ! We’re going to another familiy’s gathering today, where the BBQ will be purchased, my husband will entertain their family…ha! And I’m taking my grandmother’s award winning pimento cheese and crackers plus a few other things…that’s today, July 2 – just put out the state flag and American flag on my porch…on the 4th? I plan to eat a tomato sandwich with my husband and close myself up in the cool house and be thankful for this great country where Im free to do nothing on a holiday- except housework, feed the pets, wash, sweep…well you know how it is…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. geezer94 says:

    I will be on the front porch in the swing. Gretchen will down at the bottom of the steps with her bone. Happy Birthday USA!

    Liked by 2 people

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